Tim Tate is a licensed professional counselor & mental health coach in Corpus Christi, Texas.
My Message
In 2001, I had the first of three experiences with MDD (Major Depressive Disorder). I wasn’t able to tolerate the medication I was prescribed, so I had to rely on myself for recovery. I began to practice a Mind-Body-Spirit regimen which included my personal and professional education on mental health, physical exercise and spiritual practices. I was able to cure myself but my depression came back two more times in a time period of 10 years. Each time I relied on my “wholistic” recovery plan. I progressively added new techniques to my daily rituals (most notably the practice of mindful meditation and a simple formula called the “Cognitive Triangle”) so the LIFT “maintenance” plan has kept me depression-free for over 10 years.
During that time I went back to school to complete a BA in Sociology and an MS in Counseling Education from Texas A&M-Corpus Christi. I currently work in private practice and help individuals diagnosed with anxiety, depression and seeking anger-management. I created a therapeutic model called WHOLOGRAM which I use to teach clients to become their own therapists. It includes evidence-based techniques proven to work for myself and countless other individuals. This is the basis of Life Improvement-Focused Therapy (LIFT).
“You are perfect the way you are… and you can use a little improvement.”
– Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
Tim was born in Bryan, Texas and grew up in Corpus Christi where he currently resides. He attended Del Mar College and Texas A&M-Corpus Christi receiving a Bachelor’s of Sociology and a Master’s degree in Counseling Education. His interests include varied topics on mental, physical, and spiritual health and well-being.
Before starting private practice, Tim worked at Northwest Psychiatric Hospital, the Juvenile Justice Center and the Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities. He has facilitated depression support groups and taught mindfulness meditation to children and their families for “Kids Get Fit” 501(c). He has worked within South Texas Mental Health Associates since October 2013.
Tim has done public speaking for local hospitals, the Nueces County Courthouse, various PTA’s, Leadership Corpus Christi, TAMUCC Integrative Studies and the Laura Bush Foundation.
Tim’s story of transforming his own life into a full and successful career in psychotherapy is the inspiration behind his upcoming book to be released in 2022. His favorite subject is the journey of personal transformation.